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RWG 12 month plan - 250 mins, 250 SMS & 2GB data every month for 12 months. One-off charge.

Get 250 mins, 250 SMS plus 2GB of data every month for 12 months for a one-off charge of £30. Existing customers will have this bundle added to their account, new customers will be sent a new SIM to their delivery address.
Include EU Roaming to all 27 EU countries with no restrictions for £10.
Bundle code: ukrwg12
If roaming included Bundle code: ukrwg13
RWG Mobile number (if requesting a new SIM please leave blank):
Choose EU Roaming!:

Product description

Our 1 Year SIM gives you 250 mins, 250 SMS plus a data allowance of 2GB each month for 12 months for a single price of £30. This can be renewed after 12 months.
Bundle code: ukrwg12
If roaming included Bundle code: ukrwg13

Customer reviews

based on 5 reviews
  • The wife bought a one year SIM for an elderly relative as a Christmas present. He was paying 15p a minute to phone the doctors with an Asda P&G SIM. So 20 minutes on the phone waiting for an appointment cost £3.

    The wife paid £24 with RWG (using a discount code) for one years calls, texts and data. The SIM arrived 4 days before Christmas and I put the SIM into his phone and it worked straight away. No need to call helpline, it just worked.

    The relative will Christmas and New Year phoning all his friends, result !
  • i have 2 sims on 24 months brillient price and service abdul.
  • Excellent in every way but no longer available on their website
  • Brilliant service and price
  • OK